1. WeScreenplay - Hollywood's #1 Script Coverage Service
Hollywood's fastest coverage service. Get quality, detailed notes on your screenplay from real humans at the most affordable prices.

2. Us - Inventory Press
Peele's directorial debut, Get Out (2017), earned him an Academy Award for Best Original Screenplay as well as nominations for Best Picture and Best Director.
Jordan Peele 4 1/4 × 7 inches, 208 pages, softcover ISBN 978-1-941753-33-0 Design by IN-FO.CO Free USA Shipping A limited-edition two-volume set...

3. DANGER: Why Dialogue Is Killing Your Screenplay - Bang2write
Here is an uncomfortable truth: Dialogue is not as important as you think it is. Before you blow your top, just think about it.
The Bad Stuff Look, we ALL know that characters are what they DO (not what they say). So why the hell are so many spec screenplays dialogue-led??? You know the ones, you’ve probably written them yourself (I know I have). In these pesky dialogue-laden specs, we: … Have extended introduction sequences to the characters, especially… Read More »DANGER: Why Dialogue Is Killing Your Screenplay

4. Storytelling First, Screenplay Structure Second by Ric Roman Waugh
Aug 21, 2017 · Storytelling First, Screenplay Structure Second by Ric Roman Waugh, Writer/Director of SHOT CALLER · in Select Theaters and On Demand August 18th ...
Storytelling First, Screenplay Structure Second by Ric Roman Waugh, Writer/Director of SHOT CALLER

5. How can I sell my idea for a screenplay?
What you're going to want to do is come up with a solid treatment. To do this simply turn on a tape recorder and tell your story in as much detail as possible.
Screenwriting FAQ
6. A Screenwriter's Guide to Aristotle's “Poetics” | by Scott Myers
For Volume 4: Rewriting a Screenplay, go here. Spread the word, would you? And the download link. Much more to come each month in 2017. Onward! Sign up to ...
Free downloadable Go Into The Story eBook by Scott Myers.

7. The Screenplay for “The Killer” by Andrew Kevin Walker
Dec 9, 2023 · It's a production draft – shooting script, basically – imperfect + rough around the edges, with some incongruous prose, for example, + sluglines doing ...
Andrew Kevin WalkerDecember 9, 2023andrewkevinwalker.com How lucky am I to have been involved in this amazing project, with so many talented people? It’s a production draft – shoot…

8. 101 Greatest Screenplays of the 21st Century (*so far) - Writers Guild
Dec 6, 2021 · Screenplay by Barry Jenkins, Story by Tarell Alvin McCraney. Barry Jenkins' 2017 Oscar- and Writers Guild Award-winning screenplay, divided ...
Read the WGA's 101 Greatest Screenplays of the 21st Century (*so far) list.